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New Heights Quartet Logo_White Transpare


Find out how New Heights Quartet Christian music group was formed. Learn about our vision for making uplifting Christian music.

Paul Brubacher

Eddie Gutwein

Bryan Gingerich

Tristan Martin



Paul Brubacher, Eddie Gutwein, Bryan Gingerich and Tristan Martin grew up surrounded by the simple harmonies of congregational singing. As far back as we can remember, there were always opportunities for singing—Summer Bible School, Sunday School, and Christian School programs, choirs, special numbers at church, youth singings for the elderly, and at church services every Sunday. Our parents modeled a love for singing God’s praises, and today we continue to love good quality Christian music and feel privileged to be able to produce uplifting Christian music we can share with others.




The quartet began very simply in the Fall of 2009. Eddie would be directing an evening hymn-sing at church and called on three friends to join him for a special number at this service. We enjoyed the experience, the hymn sing came and went, and we kept on singing together. Shortly after the idea of a long-standing quartet was born, and eventually, we began singing at churches and retirement homes. Next thing, our Christian music group was recording! The Lord blessed our desire to minister in song, and, to date, New Heights Quartet has recorded five albums.



Today, we are blessed to have the support of our wives and families, who are very involved in this ministry. They are present in most of our events and join us in our programs and recordings. We believe singing is an important part of the Christian life and is a God-ordained vehicle for encouraging and admonishing each other in our Christian walk. Our greatest desire is that Jesus Christ’s name would be lifted up on high and that our music would only bring the encouragement God’s children need to glorify Him now and for all eternity!

New Heights Quartet Logo_White Transpare

Ontario, Canada
Orders: 1.519.656.9884

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